Plockmatic 61 Bookletmaker

Plockmatic 61 Bookletmaker


This machine is extremely simple to operate and has become a standard for many quick-printers across the United States. We offer the PL61 as part of our print finishing equipment range which is the perfect solution for low to mid-volumes and the ability to work inline with a Plockmatic collator makes it a true production workhorse. Note: The PL61 includes the automatic belt stacker (pictured) and a stand (not pictured). Speed is adjustable to suit operator or application


ModelPlokmatic 61
Works inline withPlockmatic 310 & 306 collators
Includesside and back joggers
Folding & staplingAutomatic
Speeds ofup to 1800 booklets per hour (offline)
Folding & stapling can be doneseparately or both at once
Booklet types/stapling7 different methods
Jam detectionAutomatic